Supplement Your Summer Smile with Sugarless Gum Therapy


Supplement your child’s summer smile with sugarless gum therapy. Your child’s oral health care can benefit from added treatments beyond brushing and flossing. Studies have shown that by chewing sugarless gum for a period of roughly 20 minutes, preferably after eating, it can create saliva and help neutralize acids and thwart cavities. For more terrific benefits that chewing sugarless gum can offer, see the list below:

– Your child’s oral health may need more cleaning habits beyond brushing and flossing, so try encouraging sugarless gum as an added tool to keep their mouth clean.

– For additional oral health benefits, sugarless gum can help treat heartburn.

– Only use chewing gum as a dental cleaning tool if your child’s jaw is strong enough to sustain it.

– After meals, your child might consider chewing sugarless gum to help wash away food residue that may try to build up on the teeth and gums and turn into plaque in between brushing.

Sugarless gum is another cleaning product that you can use in your child’s oral health repertoire. For any additional questions or concerns, Hill Country Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics is here to help. For a complete diagnosis from one of our experienced dentists in Bee Cave, Texas, please schedule an appointment by calling 254.655.6554. Dr. Ryan Pendleton, Dr. Kyle Raymond, Dr. Nieku Manshadi look forward to working with your child’s smile!